Reviews from our delegates…

“Completing the Global CIO Certification Program exceeded my expectations, offering in-depth insights into the realm of strategic IT leadership. The program not only equipped me with invaluable knowledge but also empowered me to apply strategic thinking in my new role as a CIO. I highly recommend this course to fellow professionals seeking to enhance their skills and excel in the dynamic field of IT leadership.

What sets the CIO Certification Program apart is not only its rich content that reflects the latest industry trends, tools, and technologies, but also its engaging delivery. The program's commitment to utilising practical case studies and real-world scenarios, alongside instructors dedicated to staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving IT landscape, significantly enhanced the quality of my learning experience

Beyond its excellent curriculum, the program provided a unique networking experience, connecting me with a diverse group of professionals in the field. The opportunity to engage with like-minded peers, share insights, and build lasting relationships has proven to be a crucial aspect of the program. This course not only elevated my knowledge but also provided a platform for expanding my network and establishing connections that will undoubtedly contribute to my success as a new CIO.”

Oksana Viytovych, Chief Information Officer, Kingston University

“Even as a seasoned IT professional I gained knowledge I was able to use beginning from the first module. I quickly was reminded of the saying “You don’t know what you don’t know.” I already incorporated many of the principles into my current IT department. Every class was enlightening and useful. I got as much from my interaction with my fellow students and instructor as I did from the curriculum.

I feel I just jumped 10 years forward in my professional career.”

 Robert E Wilbanks CISSP, VP of Information Technology , Lifespire of Virginia Home Office

“The CXO Connect Program is excellent for aspiring CIOs or senior IT Leaders. This business-driven program provided unique content, practical tools for IT executives, and an instant network to exchange challenges, solutions, and best practices. Each session provided valuable material that I could immediately recall and put into practice and also provided a different and more refreshed leadership approach.” 

Rubens Amorim, LatAm IT Director, UPL

“Excellent course, with a wide-ranging syllabus, which is ideal preparation for those wanting to become a CIO. The modules were delivered by knowledgeable and industry experienced expert leaders who shared valuable insights into what is required of a CIO. I believe this course has given me the additional skills and knowledge to help me become a successful CIO.“

Bryan Howarth , Head of Technology Transformation , Viridor

“The CXO Connect Global CIO Programme is an excellent program for any aspiring CIO or senior IT executive. The programme covers all the essentials required to be a senior leader through a well thought out and paced delivery. Each session provided content from industry leaders and SME’s, combining a brilliant blend of content, practical tools, best practice, and robust challenge and discussion.

Furthermore, the cohort was a great mix of people from different industries, across many different countries and time zones, adding a unique blend of cultures, opinions, and ideas to the learning journey.

All of this together, made for an exceptional learning experience and a course that I would highly recommend.”

Steve Britton Head of Enterprise Collaboration Kingston University

“I am delighted to share my exceptional experience with the Global CIO Certification Program, a transformative journey that vividly illustrates the crucial role of a Chief Information Officer (CIO). This program stands out by offering a comprehensive syllabus, preparing aspiring CIOs with essential skills and knowledge. The expertise of the course tutors, coupled with a focus on real-world insights, ensures a robust foundation. With an emphasis on strategic IT leadership, engaging content, and practical case studies, the program exceeded my expectations. The unique networking opportunities further enriched my learning. Essentially, the Global CIO Certification Program stands as a symbol of excellence, arming professionals for success in the ever-evolving realm of IT leadership, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.”

Grant Hodge Head of IT Viridor

Reviews from our Executive Sponsors…

“The CXO CIO programme has met and indeed exceeded my expectations. We knew we had strong internal candidates for the permanent CIO role but none were quite ready. Your programme took them to the next level — raising awareness and performance expectations. Being led by experienced CIO practitioners was an important part of that. The curriculum itself was broad in a way quite different from what technologists might expect, so it bridged the gap from where the candidates started to where they needed to arrive. As a seasoned CIO I was so pleased to see them being exposed to concepts and challenges I knew would be important for them. The conduct of the course was so professional, from managing the sessions and the workbooks, through conducting the assessments and providing feedback to me as exec sponsor. I am pleased to let you know that one of the candidates was successful in our subsequent selection process and is now the permanent CIO, performing every bit as well as we had hoped. Thanks to you and your colleagues for a great course well run!”

Robert Westcott Director of IT Special Projects Kingston University

“A fantastic programme, covering multiple topic areas which has given my delegates on the programme, a rounded view of all the areas of expertise, knowledge and understanding required to take the next step in their careers and step into my shoes. The experience has been invaluable for them and one of the most important parts of the programme is making sure you get an external perspective and understand how others operate and to build some connections with others in other businesses who are on the same career journey. A great bit of personal development that has been well received.”

Dominic Howson Chief Transformation Officer Viridor